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INFOPACK: Paniker, cumple 100 años

Entrevista a Toni Pérez, director general, y Paco Pérez, consejero delegado y responsable de I+D de Paniker. Puedes leer el articulo entero aquí. El 3 de febrero de 2022 alcanzó la mágica y centenaria cifra esta empresa barcelonesa dedicada a los adhesivos que inició su andadura en el mercado para dar servicio a la industria […]

2022: One hundred years of Paniker

On February 3rd 1922, Paniker’s career began in the sector of chemical products related to leather and footwear. Today, 100 years later, Paniker has become the manufacturer of liquid adhesives, which is a benchmark both in Spain and in the rest of the world, due to its diversity, commitment to research and development, quality and […]

Circular Economy: Water-Based adhesives that improve recyclability of packages

Circular economy is an economic concept deeply connected with sustainability, whose main objective is maintaining the value of products, materials and resources (water, energy) in the economy for as long as possible, minimizing waste generation. The products we consume, might have a linear or circular life cycle, depending on their ability to be classified and […]

2020: The year that forced us to reinvent ourselves.

We analyze the main challenges in the glues and adhesives industry. Interview to Francisco Pérez, Non Executive Director of Paniker. 2020 has been a year that has changed us in every way. What change would you highlight as most relevant? This Pandemic has changed the way we relate to each other, but it has given us […]

February 2021: Changes in the General Direction of Paniker.

Beardow Adams Group announcement: The past year has been a challenge for everyone in our Group and I thank you all for your hard work and commitment. Despite the challenges which the global pandemic has brought to us all, I am very happy to report that we have had very few cases of COVID-19 and […]